Samstag, 27.07.2024 11:28 Uhr

Review of 2022 - The year in hotel tech

Verantwortlicher Autor: Viktoria Kersten / Frank Wieners Berlin, 08.01.2023, 22:09 Uhr
Fachartikel: +++ Wirtschaft und Finanzen +++ Bericht 9788x gelesen
smart room
smart room  Bild: Frank Wieners

Berlin [ENA] Coming off the back of the difficult pandemic years, hotel investors and operators probably thought they would have it easy in 2022 but myriad challenges forced them to go looking for tech solutions. Hotels had to deal with both more people travelling but having fewer staff to look after them.

For most of the world, with the glaring exception of China, 2022 marked the first full year of hospitality trading without any interruptions from COVID-19. Pent-up consumer demand fuelled an extremely busy summer season and hotels were able to increase their rates significantly. Technology suppliers were quick to highlight the important role of revenue management systems (RMS) in enabling hoteliers to maximise their returns. Why it matters: At the same time as experiencing high demand, hotels in many locations were dealing with a staffing crisis. In a tight labour market, traditional, work-site sectors like hospitality found themselves competing against the growing number of remote-friendly companies.

Increasingly, hospitality operators turned to technology and software to help them attract and retain front-line workers. Giving employees shifts that they are happy with, on-demand or daily pay, and improving the quality of the work itself were all on the agenda. 1 big quote: “2022 demonstrated an increase in velocity in all areas of hotel technology – increased rapidity of new system introduction into the marketplace, greater speed of its embrace and implementation by hotel operators, and expanded swiftness and comfort with its use by our guests.” — John Burns, president, Hospitality Technology Consulting.

The transition from on-premise legacy operating systems to cloud-based hotel technology continued. On a global industry-wide scale, cloud migration is likely to take another eight to ten years to complete. Digital guest journey technology, such as contactless check-in/check-out and pre-arrival/on-property guest messaging, became increasingly widespread as integrations with legacy systems became easier and less costly to achieve. Almost three-quarters of consumers said these services are important to them when choosing one hotel over another. Hotels with modern, easy-to-use operating systems also had the advantage when it came to staffing and retention: simple and quick onboarding processes and the automation of repetitive tasks.

The rise in energy costs put hotels with IoT systems at a clear advantage. A standard IoT hotel system might manage lights, locks, thermostats, wall light switches, blinds, shades, security cameras, CO2 sensors, occupancy sensors, door sensors, and humidity sensors. With such a system, the conference and events manager, for instance, can prepare the conference space by turning on the lights, opening the shades and setting the air conditioning, without physically visiting the room and having to manually perform these tasks. Hotels with modern, easy-to-use operating systems also had the advantage when it came to staffing and retention: simple and quick onboarding processes and the automation of repetitive tasks.

From operations to guest experience to marketing, smart hotel technology offers a variety of cost savings and revenue opportunities, and it is enabling hotel owners to reach new levels of profitability. John Attala, a provider of energy-management solutions for the hospitality industry, said : "The opportunity is in the data. The successful properties will be the ones that invest in collecting and analyzing it in an actionable fashion".

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