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Don Pasquale

Verantwortlicher Autor: Nadejda Komendantova Opera garnier Paris, 26.09.2023, 23:18 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 8280x gelesen

Opera garnier Paris [ENA] Don Pasquale, the opera of Gaetano Donizetti, becomes a new actual for nowadays meaning during the performance at the Opera National de Paris being performed at the Palais Garnier. While including the change of the stage settings from the old 60-ies style apartment of Don Pasquale to the modernist style furniture bought by his new wife, other elements also correspond to nowadays reality.

For instance carriage is being replaced by modern Mercedes car, historical costumes by actual today fashion style cocktail dresses and so on. The opera ends with the philosophical statement that marrying a young woman in high age does bring nothing than trouble, which is being said by Don Pasquale, who is surrounded by elderly people in rolling chairs all sitting in the house for elderly people.

Opera Don Pasquale in the Garnier Palace is not only a masterpiece of music but also of theatre and the main protagonists are not only virtual opera singers but also experienced actors. The camera which transforms some of the scenes at the large screen shows every detail of their mimic. Laurent Naouri, Julie Fuchs, Florian Sempey and Rene Barbera are brilliantly performing their roles.

"Don Pasquale" is an opera buffa, or comic opera, composed by Gaetano Donizetti with an Italian libretto by Giovanni Ruffini and Donizetti. It premiered in Paris in 1843 and quickly gained popularity for its delightful music and comedic elements. The story revolves around themes of love, deception, and social class dynamics. "Don Pasquale" is known for its melodic arias, ensembles, and lighthearted humor. The opera not only entertains the audience but also provides a social commentary on the traditional expectations of marriage and the dynamics of power and authority. It remains a popular and frequently performed opera in the repertoire, appreciated for its wit and musical brilliance.

Opera buffa, translated as "comic opera" in English, is a genre of opera that emerged in the 18th century, primarily in Italy. It's characterized by its lighthearted and often humorous themes, featuring everyday characters and situations. Unlike its serious and dramatic counterpart, opera seria, opera buffa focuses on the comedic and satirical aspects of life, society, and human nature. The musical structure often includes ensemble numbers where characters interact and express their emotions collectively. Arias, solos, and duets are also prevalent, allowing characters to showcase their feelings and thoughts. Humor is a central element in opera buffa. Comedic situations, witty dialogue, and clever wordplay contribute to the entertainment.

Together with the light character of the opera the majestic surrounding of Palais Garnier creates the real feeling of feast and joy. The Palais Garnier, often referred to simply as the Opera Garnier, is a world-renowned opera house located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, France. It is one of the most iconic landmarks in the city and stands as a symbol of grandeur, architectural excellence, and cultural heritage. The interior of the Opera Garnier is equally breathtaking, characterized by a grand marble staircase, a grand foyer, and the magnificent Chagall-painted ceiling in the auditorium.

The Opera Garnier boasts an impressive array of artwork and decorations, showcasing paintings, sculptures, and ornate designs by prominent artists of the time. Marc Chagall's colorful ceiling, depicting scenes from famous operas, is a standout feature. The Opera Garnier stands as a testament to Paris's dedication to the arts and remains a must-visit destination for admirers of art, architecture, and performing arts.

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